A Bit of a Chill!
But for now, here is a piece I hope is interesting. It's also topical at the moment with temperatures in the UK set to hit 30C today and tomorrow. So pour yourself a cooling drink - iced tea? - and read on for a bit of a chill! Readers in the Southern Hemisphere might want a hot toddy instead, of course!
In Ashdown village there are the remains of an icehouse. Trust me, they really are under this
pile of weeds! A weed covered mound is now often the only evidence for the existence of an icehouse on an estate. There are similar enigmatic bumps in the grounds at Lancing Manor in Sussex and at Sherborne in Gloucestershire, although at Sherborne some of the brickwork is still visible too.
Icehouses predate the refrigerator as a means of storing ice for preserving food. They consist of chambers wholly or partly subterranean and suitably insulated from above. The practice of building ice houses came to England in the 17th century via France following the Restoration, one of the first ones being located in Upper St. James' Park, now known as Green Park, in 1662. By the eighteenth century it became increasingly common for major houses to have their own icehouse. The one at Petworth, for example, was built in 1784. A spell of several hard winters towards the end of the 18th century also encouraged their use as ice was freely available in the UK for storage. Later, in the nineteenth century, the demand had increased and ice had to be imported from Scandinavia.
The ice would have been collected from the nearest convenient lake or pond and dropped into the pit of the icehouse, possibly layered with straw to make removal easier. The ice was used in the larder to keep foodstuffs fresh, in cooling drinks and for making cold confections in the kitchens. In the kitchen of the Royal Pavilion in Brighton there is a menu on display for a dinner dated 1817 and of the 22 sweets no less than 7 were made using ice. The Prince Regent had one of his icehouses in a chalk pit at the top of North Street in Brighton. In 1789 it was referred to as a "new-erected building called an Ice House with Tea Room and Summer House over." Naturally the Prince needed a bigger ice house than most people and he had two ice wells in North Street, another in the grounds of the Royal Pavilion and a third at the Castle Tavern. Details of all of these icehouses are on the wonderful Ice Houses website.
In the cold surroundings, the ice should be capable of being stored for more than a year, and an experiment was carried out at Levens Hall in Cumbria in 1980 when ice was kept in the icehouse for 13 months under conditions similar to those prevailing in earlier times.
The location of icehouses in relation to the main house was often quite arbitrary. This picture is
of an extant icehouse at West Wycombe. In most cases they seem to be neither close to the source of the ice nor to the kitchens. A distance of several hundred metres is not uncommon. This is one of the reasons why there is no point in shouting for help if you accidentally got locked in there! I used this idea in my book Wayward Widow where the heroine gets trapped in the ice house and the hero, intent on rescuing her, manages to lock them both inside.
At Ashdown the icehouse was by the stables, a quarter mile from the main house and the kitchens, and the main mystery is where the ice was sourced. There are no lakes or ponds in the vicinity of the estate now although there would be some occasional pools in a wet year. It's not an appealing thought, however, that you might cut your ice - and find pond weed in your dessert or your drink! It makes me particularly grateful for the fridge and the freezer!
Will pass on the iced tea - ugh -
they were all drinking it in Florida and I tasted by daughter in law's, ugh, I thought I was going to hurl. Now iced coffee...or better still coffee icecream, now we're talking.
Fabulous blog.
Re ice houses - ha, you knew I was going to come up with something from Norfolk ;o) There was a huge one in Great Yarmouth with a capacity of 42,588 cubic feet - built in 1840, used for storing ice from South Walsham Broad and then later from Norway. The last recorded wherry load of ice was brought there between 1898 and 1899 - and it's thought to be the only one of its type left in the country. (Was restored in 1980.)
I remember that scene in Wayward Widow and loved it!
Kate, I'm always thrilled to hear some of your history snippets - thank you!
Leah Marie, I'm so pleased you enjoy the blog! Sometimes I feel as though I'm pulling out all this obscure stuff but I'm glad people like it!