Quotation of the Day!

"Only Mills and Boon can rival British intelligence," says MI5's official historian. This fascinating quotation was in The Guardian newspaper today, as related by Charlotte Higgins from the Hay Festival. She goes on to write that Christopher Andrew, who spent years as a member of of the service whilst he undertook the research for his book Defence of the Realm, claimed that the human resources consultants employed to discover the levels of job satisfaction at the British domestic intelligence service had found that there was "only one organisation they had investigated that had a higher morale: Mills & Boon." A Spooks/M&B collaboration must surely be in the offing. Of course this confirms for those of us in the know what we already knew: romance books make you happy. And so does spying. Allegedly. http://www.guardian.co.uk/culture/2010/jun/02/christopher-andrew-mi5


Heather Snow said…
It's even better when you romance book includes a bit of spying...

Thanks for the smile!
Heather Snow said…
Aack! iPhone typos!!!
NinaP said…
I don't get it. (read the article and everything) It’s because my ancestors defected, I'll bet. :-)
Nicola Cornick said…
LOL, Nina! Yes, I thought it was funny too, Heather. And you don't need the intelligence community to work out that romance books are good for you!
Keira Soleore said…
I bet Richard Armitage's joining the BBC's Spooks' cast had something to with this result!

Like the National Trust current love affair with M&B, perhaps, there should be a contemp series staged at Thames House, where happy (real) M&B authors help happy (hypothetical) MI-5 spies find romance HEAs.

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