Recipe of the Week!

This recipe originated in India as khichri, a combination of rice, lentils and spices, and was a popular breakfast dish. As early as 1845 Eliza Acton was recommending the anglicised kedgeree in her book Modern Cookery for Private Families, suggesting serving it with fish such as haddock, brill, salmon or sole. It became a feature of Victorian and Edwardian breakfasts in Britain and no sideboard was complete without a large dish of kedgeree to start the day.
9oz smoked haddock
1oz butter
8oz long grain rice1 tsp garam masala or curry powder
2 hard boiled eggs
Chopped parsley
Place the haddock in a pan with barely enough water to cover and gently poach for approximately ten minutes or until the opaque and flakes easily. Drain and break the fish into pieces, discarding the skin and bones. Simmer the rice until cooked and drain well. Melt the butter in a pan and add the rice, haddock, garam masala or curry powder, stirring gently until everything is mixed in and thoroughly heated. Transfer to a warm dish, garnish with the egg and sprinkle with parsley.
What do you think? Fish and boiled eggs for breakfast? or do you have a breakfast recipe you prefer?
But we all like kedgeree.
I've always had various eggs for breakfast with toast growing up. My college years were marked by cold cereal with milk--no money, no time, no cooking skills. These days, it's either parfait, oatmeal, or waffle + egg on weekdays. On weekends, life's different. Then we have fancy pancakes or baked omeletes/frittatas, etc.
Might have to pull out that old chemistry degree and put it to work in the kitchen with a little expermentation....