A Life Below Stairs!

Here I am blogging on this blog about what I have written on my other blog, which strikes me as somewhat surreal! However it did occur to me that there might be readers here who are interested in the life of a servant in Victorian times, so if that appeals to you drop by the Ashdown House Blog where there are also plenty of other interesting historical snippets!


Jan Jones said…
Fascinating, Nicola! Now, how can I swing a research trip over your way...
Kate Hardy said…
I'm with Jan. I think, Jan, we need an 'east meets west' plan... :o)

Census returns are so interesting and shed so much light on how a community worked. I can (and do!) spend hours on that...
Nicola Cornick said…
Go for it! I'd love to show you both around!

You and me both, Kate! I get so engrossed in the census returns. There's such a lot of fascinating information to glean from them.

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