Historic Sex Toys in the News!

Ok folks, I haven't posted a picture to go with this for reasons of delicacy. At least I've posted a picture of David Tennant as Casanova just for fun. Anyway, if you are of a nervous disposition or feeling particularly delicate this Monday morning my advice would be DON'T CLICK ON THIS LINK http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/essex/8589766.stm

The story is that an anonoymous bidder has paid £3,600 for a couple of "wooden items" as the BBC politely describes them, at auction. The sex toys date from the eighteenth century and are extremely rare and collectible. This is an investment opportunity, according to the auctioneer, who said: "You won't see another one in a long time."


cara elliott said…
Very interesting, Nicola! Research often leads one to . . . unexpected. er, pleasures, LOL
Hi Nicola! I just wanted to say I stopped by and you've had some very interesting posts lately. I have to say, though, I was too chicken to click the link in this one. :o)

Have a wonderful week!
Diane Gaston said…
what a riot, Nicola!
Nicola Cornick said…
Hi Jaimey! Thank you - I love posting up quirky items of what I hope are historical interest. But you do discover all sorts of things...That's why I posted a warning today - it's not to everyone's taste!

Cara, Diane, research really can take you to some strange places, can't it! I can honestly say I have never seen anything quite like this before!
NinaP said…
Just goes to show, humans will be humans time and world around. :-)

I'm always amused when I hear pontificating arm-chairist say, "we live in the worst of times." Obviously, they've never studied history.
Nicola Cornick said…
Very true, Nina! My grandmother, who staunchly maintained that no one had sex in her day would have been utterly scandalised!
NinaP said…
LOL Nicola!! So how did dear old Gram explain away her children?
Nicola Cornick said…
She only had the one, Nina, and I think it was a surprise for her LOL!
NinaP said…
Oh dear. Poor lady! (and poor grandpapa, too)
Yes, it just goes to show that sex didn't begin in 1963 as Larkin propounded ;-)
Nicola Cornick said…
Ha, Sarah, no indeed!

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