Latest News!

Happy September, everyone! Whilst I have enjoyed the hot summer days we've occasionally had here in the UK this year, I do love autumn very much. Living out in the country I can feel the seasons turning. It's darker earlier in the evening when I take the dog for his bedtime walk and as we go round the fields I can feel the cool nip in the air. The young owls, born this year, are calling in the willows by the stream and the September full moon is waxing. The dew is heavier on the grass in the mornings. The swallows are starting to fly South and the leaves are starting to fall. It's beautiful!

I've had an incredibly busy but exciting summer of work that focussed on my Brides of Fortune Trilogy and I am so happy and grateful to my readers for the lovely response the books have had. Not only did all three books hit the Bookscan bestseller charts in the US, The Scandals of an Innocent reached Number 10 in the Borders romance chart as well. I hope UK readers will be pleased to hear that the series will be published in the UK from June next year by MIRA Books. More details closer to the date!

Meanwhile, I'm very proud to be a part of the Romantic Novelists' Association 50th Anniversary anthology, Loves Me, Loves Me Not, which contains Regency short stories by Louise Allen, Amanda Grange and Joanna Maitland as well as my own story The Elopement. There is a copy of the RNA anthology up for grabs as the September contest prize on my website. Don't miss the chance to win this book which contains a wealth of contemporary romantic short stories as well as the historical ones.

September also sees the publication of the UK edition of Kidnapped, from Mills & Boon Single Titles with extra pages giving the historical background and inspiration to the story. Kidnapped remains a book very close to my heart and I hope that readers will like it too!

In October I have two novellas out in the US, A reprint of The Season for Suitors in a HQN anothology called The Heart of Christmas with bestselling author Mary Balogh and wonderful debut author Courtney Milan, and the first print publication of my Undone e-book The Unmasking of Lady Loveless in an anthology from Harlequin Historicals called Together For Christmas with stories by Catherine George and Louise Allen who are two of my own favourite authors.

On the new books front, I have just sent in the first book in my new Regency series which will be coming out from HQN in 2010. Whisper of Scandal is set in London and the Arctic and I have started work on the second book in the series. Although I'll be getting my head down to work, I'll be blogging here when I can and also over on the Word Wenches site in my regular bi-monthly slot and with the UK Regency Authors on the 7th of each month.

I hope everyone has a very happy month full of good books!


Jan Jones said…
"...which is set in London and the Arctic"

Only you, Nicola. Only you.
Jan Jones said…
PS - also, jolly good about new books!
Nicola Cornick said…
LOL, Jan, thank you. I take that as a BIG compliment!!
Alison said…
Loving the cover of the new UK book.
Nicola Cornick said…
Thanks, Alison! It is very pretty, isn't it. Mind you, the heroine of the book does have red hair, but hey... And I'm happy that they've dropped the sub-title "His Innocent Mistress." She wasn't. Innocent yes, mistress no.
Alison said…
I always find it slightly alarming when certain publishers (who shall remain nameless, lol) can't get the characters names right on the cover blurb. Oh dear.
Nicola Cornick said…
Yes, that is very bad. I'm happy that has never happened to me. I was reading a column in the newspaper at the weekend and noticed that one of the names had changed halfway through. And there was a very famous case in a book years ago where the heroine's name changed halfway through the story - can't remember the author or book but it does give the impression of things being rushed through without checking. In the case of my Kidnapped cover I'm guessing that they couldn't find a contemporary looking picture with a woman with red hair. They use real paintings for the covers and so would probably have ended up out of period with some pre-Raphaelite girl LOL!

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